Extragalactic astrophysics at the LSW
Finding charts and comparison sequences for some of the sources are available.
Most AGN show strong emission lines in UV-optical-NIR spectra.
These lines originate in different regions. The "Broad Line Region"
is very compact, and cannot be spatially resolved with direct
imaging. Information on spatial structure is obtained indirectly via
reverberation studies.
The "Narrow-Line Region" is larger in extent, and can be resolved in
nearby Seyfert galaxies.
In many objects, including radio galaxies, without nuclear emission lines,
extended emission can be observed in the direction of radio-jets.
Research at the Landessternwarte deals with the structure of the Broad-Line Region via reverberation and Fourier Analysis of line profiles, multi-frequency studies of the transition regime between BLR and NLR by means of forbidden high ionization (coronal) lines, and with spatially resolved kinematics of the Narrow-Line Region.
Coronal Lines in Seyfert Galaxies
Velocity Fields in AGN (BLR and NLR)
Multi-frequency studies of NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)
(Claus Möllenhoff, Jochen Heidt)
(Claus Möllenhoff, Jochen Heidt)
Page maintained by S.Wagner@lsw.uni-heidelberg.de