The following capabilities for the FEROS
instrument will be offered:
- Prism crossdispersed Echelle spectrograph, working in quasi
Littrow mode with a two-beam, two-slice image slicer.
- White pupil configuration.
- Bench mounted in the thermally stabilized and humidity controlled
Coudé room of the ESO 1.52-m telescope.
- Fiber fed, two fibers will simultaneously feed the spectrograph.
Either the pair will be [object + sky] to record the object and the
sky background simultaneously or [object + external calibration]
where the second fiber is fed by a calibration lamp during
the whole exposure to monitor the instrument stability.
- Resolving power 48000 (2 pixel resolution).
- Entrance aperture of 2.7 arcsec; this keeps slit losses below
12% for a seeing of 1.5 arcsec and keeps the effect of differential
atmospheric refraction up to z=60° (airmass = 2)
- Wavelength range 3700-8600 Å
- Use of a highly efficient 2kx4k CCD with
15x15 micron pixels.
- High efficiency with 27% peak efficiency, 7 (1.7)% in the
extreme blue at 3700 (3500) Å and 8% in the extreme red at
9000 Å .
- Fixed configurations, the bench-mounted part of the spectrograph
contains no movable or remotely controlled components
besides the CCD shutter.
This ensures
easy maintenance and reproducible and stable output formats.
With this an accuracy in radial velocities of better than 50 m/s
is expected. The usage of an iodine cell for achieving a radial
velocity accuracy of about 5 m/s will be evaluated.
- Full on-line data reduction in the
environment and tools for
subsequent archiving and analyses e.g. radial-velocity and
time-series analysis.
If you have any comments on the FEROS project, please send me a
mail .
FEROS homepage /
Last modified: Fri Jan 26 10:08:51 MET 2001