View of the CCD continuous flow dewar and the CCD controller
The 120l LN2 tank outside the FEROS room supplies the continuous
flow dewar
The FEROS Calibration unit (lest) on the telescope (center) and the
Control Electronics (right)
The new fiber head just before mounting to the slit unit.
Note the two fiber apertures, one illuminated by a laser
from the spectrograph side
The new slit unit with the B&C longslit and the carriage for the
FEROS fiberhead.
The new calibration and slit unit mounted at the B&C at the
ESO 1.52-m telescope.
Output of two-beam two-slice Image Slicer 15:1 Model
Thorium-Argon-Neon spectrum through object & sky fiber
Simulated raw (left) and reduced (right) spectrum of P Cygni,
a hot luminous emission-line star
If you have any comments on the FEROS project, please send me a mail .
FEROS homepage / Last modified: Fri Jan 26 10:31:34 MET 2001