
Time Schedule

The FEROS contract between ESO and the LSW was signed on September 11, 1996. The further time schedule and status of the project is given in the follwing table:

Work Package Dead Line Status
Final Optical Design October 1996 done
Final Mechanical Design June 1997 done
Final Design Review June 26, 1997 passed
Procurement of optical parts January 1998 started (all parts ordered)
Manufacturing of mechanical parts June 1998 started
CCD system April 1998 started
Data Reduction Software June 1998 started
System Integration June 1998 started
Preliminary Acceptance (@LSW, HD) July 1998
Documentation December 1998
Provisional Acceptance (@ESO, La Silla) December 1998
Availability to the Community early 1999
Final Acceptance December 2000




If you have any comments on the FEROS project, please send me a mail .

FEROS homepage / A.Kaufer@lsw.uni-heidelberg.de
Last modified: Fri Jan 26 10:34:31 MET 2001