Heidelberg Joint Astronomical Colloquium (WS08/09)
The Heidelberg Joint Astronomical Colloquium takes place on Tuesdays in the large auditorium of the Physikalisches Institut in Philosophenweg 12. The talks start at 5:15 p.m. The colloquium is organized jointly by the five astronomical institutes in Heidelberg. Three of these institutes are part of the Center for Astronomy of the University of Heidelberg (ZAH), namely the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI), the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (ITA), and the State Observatory (LSW). Two of these institutes are part of the Max-Planck Society, namely the Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) and the Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPI-K). Some of the talks are organized together with the particle physicists at the University of Heidelberg. These talks are marked in blue.Date | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Host |
14.10.2008 | Philipp Richter | University of Potsdam | The Milky Way's circumgalactic gas | Grebel/ARI |
21.10.2008 | Frank Steffen | MPI für Physik, München | Supersymmetric Candidates for Dark Matter | Eisele/PI |
28.10.2008 | Natascha Förster-Schreiber | MPE, Garching | Resolving the dynamics and physical properties of z~2 galaxies | Walter/MPIA, Fuchs/ARI |
04.11.2008 | Robert Kennicutt | IoA, University of Cambridge | Star Formation in the Cosmological Context | Rix/MPIA, Banerjee/ITA |
11.11.2008 | Alain Coc | CSNSM, Orsay | Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: a probe of the early Universe | Eisele/PI, Grebel/ARI |
18.11.2008 | Sofia Feltzing | Lund University | The Galactic Thin and Thick Disk | Grebel/ARI |
25.11.2008 | David Charbonneau | CfA, Cambridge | A Dynamics-Based Approach to Characterizing Habitable Exoplanets | Henning/MPIA |
02.12.2008 | Svetlana Berdyugina | KIS, Freiburg | Polarized Glare of Exoplanets | Gredel/MPIA, Grebel/ARI |
09.12.2008 | Vanessa Hill | Observatoire de Paris | What we can learn from chemical abundances of Milky Way dwarf galaxies? | Christlieb/LSW |
16.12.2008 | Hermann Boehnhardt | MPI für Sonnensystemforschung | DeepImpact, Stardust and Rosetta and the 2008 HD Christmas Comet Cocktail Recipe | Grebel/ARI |
13.01.2009 | Conny Aerts | University of Leuven | Asteroseismology | Henning/MPIA |
20.01.2009 | Ellen Zweibel | University of Wisconsin | The Origin and Evolution of Magnetic Fields | Kirk/MPI-K, Banerjee/ITA |
27.01.2009 | Steve Ritz | NASA/GSFC & Univ. of Maryland | First Results From GLAST | Wagner/LSW |
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Contact: D. Möricke