20) Pforr, J., Heidt, J., Menten, K., Gabasch, A., Wagner, S.J. 2008,
"The nature of the radio sources in the FORS Deep Field", A&A submitted
Conference Proceedings
1) Jäger, K., Heidt, J., Appenzeller, I., Bender, R.,
Fricke, K.J. 1999,
"The FORS Deep Field (FDF): Selection and first impressions",
Astron. Ges., Abstr. Ser. 15, 43
2) Appenzeller, I., Bender, R., Boehnhardt, H., et al. 2000,
"Science with FORS". In "From extrasolar planets to cosmology. The VLT
opening symposium", ed. J. Bergeron, A. Renzini, ESO Astrophysics Symposia,
Springer, Heidelberg, 3
3) Heidt, J., Appenzeller, I., Bender, R., Fricke, K-J., and the
FDF-team: 2001, "The FORS Deep Field", Ap&SS 277, 539
4) Bender, R., Appenzeller, A., Böhm, A., et al.
2001, "The FORS Deep Field: Photometric data
and photometric redshifts", Workshop on
Deep Fields, ESO Astrophysica Symposia, Springer, ed. S. Cristiani, A. Renzini,
R.E. Williams, 96
5) Kümmel, M., Heidt, J., S.J. Wagner, et al.
2001, "Number counts
and angular correlation functions in the FORS Deep Field", Workshop on
Deep Fields, ESO Astrophysica Symposia, Springer, ed. S. Cristiani, A. Renzini,
R.E. Williams, 159
6) Mehlert, D., Noll, S., Appenzeller, I., et al.
2001, "The FORS Deep Field: first spectroscopic results", Workshop on
Deep Fields, ESO Astrophysica Symposia, Springer, ed. S. Cristiani, A. Renzini,
R.E. Williams, 162
7) Heidt, J., Appenzeller, I., Bender, R., Fricke, K.J., and the
FDF-Team 2002, "The FORS Deep Field: Photometry, photometric
redshifts and first spectroscopic results", Ap&SS 281, 539
8) Heidt, J., Appenzeller, I., Gabasch, A., et al.
2003, "The FORS Deep Field: The photometric catalog",
Ap&SS 284, 385
9) Heidt, J., Noll, S., Appenzeller, I., & the FDF-Team, 2003,
"The QSO Q 0103-260 (z = 3.36) in the Fors Deep Field",
In Carnegie Observatories
Astrophysics Series, Vol. 1: Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies,
ed. L. Ho (Pasadena: Carnegie observatories,
10) Frank, S., Appenzeller, I., Noll, S., Stahl, O. 2003,
"The metal absorption systems of the FDF Quasar QSO 0103-260"
ANS 324, 158
11) Noll, S., Mehlert, D., Appenzeller, I., Tapken, C. 2003
"The FORS Deep Field spectroscopic survey for high-redshift galaxies"
ANS 324, 158
12) Tapken, C., Appenzeller, I., Noll, S., Mehlert, D. 2003,
"The nature of the Lyα emission region of FDF-4691"
ANS 324, 159
13) Appenzeller, I., Mehlert, D., Noll, S., et al. 2004,
"High redshift galaxies in the FORS Deep Field". In "Studies of
galaxies in the young Universe with new generation
telescopes". Proceedings of a Japan-German Seminar, ed. N. Arimoto,
W. Duschl, 1
14) Appenzeller, I., Noll, S., Stahl, O., Frank, S. 2004, "The metal
absorption systems of the FDF QSO 0103-260". In IAU Symp. 217
"Recycling intergalactic and interstellar matter",
ed. P.-A. Duc, J. Braine, E. Brinks., ASP, 266
15) Gabasch, A., Bender, R., Hopp, U., et al. 2004, "Evolution of the
galaxy luminosity function in the FORS Deep Field (FDF)", In
"Multiwavelength cosmology", ed. M. Plionis, Kluwer Academic
Publisher, 39
16) Tapken, C., Appenzeller, I., Mehlert, D., Noll, S., Richling, S. 2004,
"Lyα emission galaxies in the young Universe", ANS 325, 41
1) Appenzeller, I., Bender, R., Böhm, et al.
"The FORS Deep Field" , The Messenger 100, 44
2) Heidt, J, Jäger, K. 2001, "Das FORS Deep Field. Ein tiefer
Blick ins Universum", Sterne und Weltraum 4-5, 330
3) Mehlert, D. 2003, "Die Urformen der Galaxien",
Sterne und Weltraum Special 1/03 "Das junge Universum", 50