2nd ENIGMA Winter School

Kinsale, Ireland, 18 - 20 Nov 2005

Main Page    -    Programme    -    Lectures    -    Participants   -  ENIGMA

The school participants at Blackrock Castle, Cork



Outside Tyndall National Institute, Cork



Dinner at the Trident Hotel, Kinsale



School speaker - Richard Porcas


ENIGMA is a network on Blazar research, funded by the European Commission through the TMR (Training and Mobility for Researchers) program.


As part of the Training aspect of the funding, the ENIGMA network organized the second ENIGMA Winter School which took place in Kinsale, Ireland, during the 18 -21 of November 2005. The School consisted of lectures and a visit to Tyndall Nationall Institute, Cork.



There were three different topics covered at the School:


* Introduction to Radio Interferometry (by Dr. Richard Porcas, MPIfR, Bonn)


* Introduction to MHD Codes (by Prof. Max Camenzind,  LSW, Heidelberg)


* Introduction to CMB research (by Dr, Patrick Leahy,  University of Manchester/Jodrell Bank Observatory)








Local organizer :


Andreas Papageorgiou, Cork Institute of Technology