University of Heidelberg




Acero, F., Aharonian, F., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S., ..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ...,Tam, P.H., ..., Wagner, S.J., et al.
"HESS upper limits on very high energy gamma-ray emission from the microquasar GRS 1915+105"
A&A. 508, 1135 (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S., ..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ...,Tam, P.H., ..., Wagner, S.J., et al.
"Probing the ATIC peak in the cosmic-ray electron spectrum with H.E.S.S."
A&A. 508, 561 (2009)

Gaibler, V., Krause, M., Camenzind, M.
"Very light magnetized jets on large scales - I. Evolution and magnetic fields"
MNRAS 400, 1785 (2009)

D'Ammando, F., Pucella, G., ..., Heidt, J., ..., Mommert, M., et al.
"AGILE detection of a rapid γ-ray flare from the blazar PKS 1510-089 during the GASP-WEBT monitoring"
A&A 508, 181 (2009)

Acciari, V.A., Aliu, E., ..., Heidt, J., ..., Mommert, M., et al.
"Multiwavelength Observations of a TeV-Flare from W Comae"
ApJ 707, 612 (2009)

Abdo, A.A., Ackermann, M., ..., Hauser, M., ..., Wagner, S.
"Multiwavelength Monitoring of the Enigmatic Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022 in 2009 March-July"
ApJ 707, 727 (2009)

Jolley, E.J.D., Kuncic, Z., ..., Wagner, S.
"Accretion discs in blazars"
MNRAS 400, 1521 (2009)


Acero, F., Aharonian, F., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S., ..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ...,Tam, P.H., ..., Wagner, S.J., et al.
"Detection of Gamma Rays from a Starburst Galaxy"
Science 326, 1080 (2009)

Raiteri, C.M., Villata, M., ..., Heidt, J., et al.
"WEBT multiwavelength monitoring and XMM-Newton observations of BL Lacertae in 2007-2008. Unveiling different emission components"
A&A 507, 769 (2009)

Schörck, T., Christlieb, N., Cohen, J.G., et al.
"The stellar content of the Hamburg/ESO survey: V. The metallicity distribution function of the Galactic halo"
A&A 507, 817 (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S.,..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Wagner, S.J., et al.
"Very high energy γ-ray observations of the binary PSR B1259-63/SS2883 around the 2007 Periastron"
A&A 507, 389 (2009)


Colin, P., Beilicke, M., ..., Wagner, S., et al.
"The 2008 Multiwavelength Campaign of the TeV Radio-Galaxy M 87"
Int. Journal of Modern Physics D (18), 1493 (2009)

Koester, D., Voss, B., ..., Christlieb, N., ..., Lisker, T., et al.
"High-resolution UVES/VLT spectra of white dwarfs observed for the ESO SN Ia Progenitor Survey. III. DA white dwarfs"
A&A 505, 441 (2009)

Janson, M., Apai, D., ..., Reffert, S., et al.
"Imaging search for the unseen companion to ε Ind A - improving the detection limits with 4 μm observations"
MNRAS.399, 377 (2009)

Mackay, F.E., Elias, N.M., Jones, C.E., Sigut, T.A.A.
"Using Optical/Near-Infrared Interferometric Polarimetry to Place Constraints on the Disks Surrounding Be Stars"
ApJ 704, 591 (2009)


Villata, M., Raiteri, C.M., ..., Heidt, J., ..., Mommert, M., et al.
"The GASP-WEBT monitoring of 3C 454.3 during the 2008 optical-to-radio and γ-ray outburst "
A&A 504, L9 (2009)

Hayek, W., Wiesendahl, U., Christlieb, N., et al.
"The Hamburg/ESO R-process enhanced star survey (HERES). IV. Detailed abundance analysis and age dating of the strongly r-process enhanced stars CS 29491-069 and HE 1219-0312"
A&A 504, 511 (2009)

Albrecht, S., Reffert, S., et al.
"Misaligned spin and orbital axes cause the anomalous precession of DI Herculis"
Nature 461, 373 (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S.,..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Tibolla, O., ..., Wagner, S.J.
"Spectrum and variability of the Galactic center VHE γ-ray source HESS J1745-290"
A&A 503, 817 (2009)

Xue, R.R., Tam, P.H., Wagner, S.J., Behera, B., et al.
"Very High Energy γ-Ray Afterglow Emission of Nearby Gamma-Ray Bursts"
ApJ 703, 60 (2009)


Appenzeller, I.
"High-Redshift Galaxies"
Springer-Verlag, Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S.,..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Tibolla, O., ..., Wagner, S.J.
"Simultaneous multiwavelength observations of the second exceptional γ-ray flare of PKS 2155-304 in July 2006"
A&A 502, 749 (2009)

Villforth, C., Nilsson, K., ..., Heidt, J., et al.
"Intranight polarization variability in radio-loud and radio-quiet AGN"
MNRAS 397, 1893 (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S.,..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Tibolla, O., ..., Wagner, S.J.
"Constraints on the multi-TeV particle population in the Coma galaxy cluster with HESS observations"
A&A 502, 437 (2009)

Ratzka, Th., Schegerer, A. A., ..., , Köhler, R., et al.
"Spatially resolved mid-infrared observations of the triple system T Tauri"
A&A 502, 623 (2009)


Acciari, V.A., Aliu, E., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S.,..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Tibolla, O., ..., Wagner, S.J.
"Radio Imaging of the Very-High-Energy γ-Ray Emission Region in the Central Engine of a Radio Galaxy"
Science 325, 444 (2009)

Ushio, M., Tanaka, T., ..., Wagner, S., et al.
"Suzaku Wide Band Analysis of the X-Ray Variability of TeV Blazar Mrk 421 in 2006"
ApJ 699, 1964 (2009)

Gull, T.R., Nielsen, K.E., ..., Stahl, O., et al.
"The extended interacting wind structure of Eta Carinae"
MNRAS 396, 1308 (2009)


Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B.,..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S., ..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Tibolla, O. ...,Wagner, S.J.
"Detection of very high energy radiation from HESS J1908+063 confirms the Milagro unidentified source MGRO J1908+06"
A&A 499, 723 (2009)

Peek, K.M.G., Johnson, J.A., ..., Reffert, S., Schwab, C., et al.
"Old, Rich, and Eccentric: Two Jovian Planets Orbiting Evolved Metal-Rich Stars"
PASP 121, 613 (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S.,..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Tibolla, O., ..., Wagner, S.J.
"Detection of very high energy radiation from HESS J1908+063 confirms the Milagro unidentified source MGRO J1908+06"
A&A. 499, 723 (2009)

Aoki, W., Barklem, P.S., ..., Christlieb, N., et al.
"Lithium Abundances of Extremely Metal-Poor Turnoff Stars"
ApJ 698, 1803 (2009)

Roederer, I.U., Kratz, K-L. , ..., Christlieb, N., et al.
"The End of Nucleosynthesis: Production of Lead and Thorium in the Early Galaxy"
ApJ 698, 1963 (2009)

Valtonen, M.J., Nilsson, K., ..., Heidt, J., et al.
"Tidally Induced Outbursts in OJ 287 during 2005-2008"
ApJ 698, 781 (2009)

Thuillier, G., Fujols, T., ..., Mandel, H., et al.
"SOLAR/SOLSPEC: Scientific Objectives, Instrument Performance and Its Absolute Calibration Using a Blackbody as Primary Standard Source "
Solar Phys. 257, 185 (2009)

Atwood, W.B., Abdo, A.A., ..., Tibolla, O., et al.
"The Large Area Telescope on the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Mission"
ApJ 697, 1071 (2009)


Abdo, A.A., Ackermann, M., ..., Tibolla, O., et al.
"Fermi Large Area Telescope Observations of the Vela Pulsar"
ApJ 696, 1084 (2009)

Abdo, A.A., Ackermann, M., ..., Hauser, M., Wagner, S.
"Fermi/Large Area Telescope Discovery of Gamma-Ray Emission from the Flat-Spectrum Radio Quasar PKS 1454-354"
ApJ 697, 934 (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S.,..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Tibolla, O., ..., Wagner, S.J.
"Simultaneous Observations of PKS 2155-304 with HESS, Fermi, RXTE, and Atom: Spectral Energy Distributions and Variability in a Low State"
ApJ 696, L150 (2009)


Seikel, M., Camenzind, M.
"Braneworlds with a timelike extra dimension"
Phys. Rev. D 79, 083531 (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S.,..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Tibolla, O., ..., Wagner, S.J.
"Discovery of Very High Energy γ-Ray Emission from Centaurus A with H.E.S.S."
ApJ 695, 40 (2009)

Nielsen, K.E., Kober, G., ..., Stahl, O., Bomans, D.J.
"Eta Carinae Across the 2003.5 Minimum: Analysis in the Visible and Near-Infrared Spectral Region"
ApJS 181, 473 (2009)


Neuhäuser, R., Krämer, S., ..., Köhler, R., et al.
"Edge-on disk around the T Tauri star [MR81] Hα 17 NE in Corona Australis"
A&A. 496, 777 (2009)

Böttcher, M., Fultz, K., ..., Heidt, J., et al.
"The Whole Earth Blazar Telescope Campaign on the Intermediate BL Lac Object 3C 66A in 2007-2008"
ApJ 694, 174 (2009)

Menut, J.-L., Chesneau, O., ..., Quirrenbach, A.
"Revisiting the optical interferometry observations of HR 4049"
A&A 496, 133 (2009)

Cockell, C.S., Herbst, T., ..., Quirrenbach, A., et al.
"Darwin - an experimental astronomy mission to search for extrasolar planets"
ExA 23, 435 (2009)

Wittenmyer, R.A., Endl, M., ..., Reffert, S., et al.
"HD 91669B: A New Brown Dwarf Candidate from the McDonald Observatory Planet Search"
AJ 137, 3529 (2009)

Schartmann, M., Meisenheimer, K., Klahr, H., Camenzind, M. et al.
"The effect of stellar feedback on the formation and evolution of gas and dust tori in AGN"
MNRAS 393, 759 (2009)


Cockell, C. S., Léger, A., ..., Quirrenbach, A., et al.
"Darwin-A Mission to Detect and Search for Life on Extrasolar Planets"
AsBio 9, 1 (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S.,..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Tibolla, O., ..., Wagner, S.J.
"HESS observations of γ-ray bursts in 2003-2007"
A&A 495, 505 (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S.,..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Tibolla, O., ..., Wagner, S.J.
"Discovery of Gamma-Ray Emission From the Shell-Type Supernova Remnant RCW 86 With Hess"
ApJ 692, 1500 (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S.,..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Tibolla, O., ..., Wagner, S.J.
"Very high energy gamma-ray observations of the galaxy clusters Abell 496 and Abell 85 with HESS"
A&A 495, 27 (2009)

Bamba, A., Yamazaki, R., ..., Wagner, S., Pühlhofer, G., Kosack, K.
"X-ray Observation of Very High Energy Gamma-Ray Source, HESS J1745-303, with Suzaku"
ApJ 691, 1854 (2009)

Ciardi, A., Lebedev, S.V., .., Camenzind, M.
"Episodic Magnetic Bubbles and Jets: Astrophysical Implications from Laboratory Experiments"
ApJ 691, L147 (2009)


Nakamura, R., Bamba, A., .., Pühlhofer, G., Wagner, S.J.
"The Nature of a Cosmic-Ray Accelerator, CTB37B, Observed with Suzaku and Chandra"
PASJ 61, S197 (2009)

Bouy, H., Huélamo, N., ..., Köhler, R. et al.
"A deep look into the cores of young clusters. I. σ-Orionis"
A&A 493, 931 (2009)

Drake, J.J., Laming, J.M., .., Krautter, J., et al.
"X-Ray Spectroscopic Diagnosis of a Wind-Collimated Blast Wave and Metal-Rich Ejecta from the 2006 Explosion of RS Ophiuchi"
ApJ 691, 418 (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, D., Hauser, M., ..., Kaufmann, S.,..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H., ..., Tibolla, O., ..., Wagner, S.J.
"A Search for a Dark Matter Annihilation Signal Toward the Canis Major Overdensity with H.E.S.S."
ApJ 691, 175 (2009)

Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A.G., ..., Behera, B., ..., Emmanoulopoulos, D., ..., Hauser, M., ..., Pedaletti, G., ..., Pühlhofer, G., ..., Quirrenbach, A., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., Tam, P.H...., Wagner, S.J.
"HESS Observations of the Prompt and Afterglow Phases of GRB 060602B"
ApJ 690, 1068 (2009)

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